My Favorite and easiest to use app for saving money $$$

Updated 10.6.2020:

Just setup ALLY savings account, Much easier and cleaner

My wife and I don’t really have a traditional way of saving money. But since we love to travel so much we have come up with some unorthodox ideas. The first thing we tried which worked well before the baby was have two different checking accounts and our paychecks were divided into two of them. One acted as our main account to pay bills with and one would act as our savings account.

But as things grew hard to manage with a baby in the house and extra medical expenses we decided to add in a different approach with the use of the app Qapital. Which has a way of automatically rounding up to the nearest dollar saving money automatically when it rains outside into a savings account. Make a note that you will not get anything of interest rate back so you won’t make that much money but it is a way to consciously save by doing things you already do.

Right now they do not have a minimum balance required, zero setup fee and do not have any monthly fee. Plus FDIC insured!

Ways it saves: My favorite way is by taking a certain amount of steps today then deposit a certain amount of money into my Qapital account so that I can save towards a specific goal.

A lot of people also like to use the way rounding up to the nearest dollar every time there is a checking account transaction but that is unpredictable for me so I like to control it myself by my own exercise activity and help motivate me to exercise based on the steps.

Here is the download link that I refer people out to so that you get five dollars and I get five dollars and you can start this money saving journey with me!

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